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B i o g r a p h y

Academic and Education Portfolio


Being an experienced and dedicated music educator to over 1800 students, Ms. Jessica is a versatile and active concert performer of Piano, Violin, Guzheng, and Harp. At age five, Jessica Yuen began her early music studies in Hong Kong with ABRSM and continued in Calgary with the Royal Conservatory of Canada. She continued her piano education with Professor Edwin Gnandt from Ambrose University, Orchestra Director Ben Neumann from Mount Royal Conservatory for violin in Calgary, Dr. Lun Lun Zou for Guzheng from Hong Kong, and Dr. Park Stickney and Dr. Kaffee Peck for the Harp.


She is currently a Ph.D. Research Candidate in Music in the United Kingdom, concentrating in Women in classical music studies


She holds and studied the following Degrees and Diploma Certificates in higher education:

Master of Arts in Music Teaching from the University of Chichester

Master of Research in Education Business from the University of Liverpool

Master of Business Administration from the University of Liverpool

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Calgary

Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University, The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

Royal Conservatory of Music Advance Teaching Specialist in Piano, Violin, Theory, History, and Harmony

Music for Young Children (MYC) certified teacher

She is one of the Directors of Development for European Strings Teachers Association Education UK, Chair adjudicator and international Advisor for the GMAC Competition, and a curriculum consultant for ABRSM England in oriental music for classical music studies in Piano and Strings. She is an active lecturer at conferences for music performers and teachers in many countries worldwide.


Professional Performance Portfolio

Besides her academic and education career, Jessica Yuen performed and recorded with various musicians across several continents, including Asia, North America, and Europe. Her most active performance partner is from Paris, France, Gan Guo, an Erhuist (Chinese 2 strings violin) with a 2015-2016 Medalist of the French Order of Arts and Letters (Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres.) Their first debut performance took place during a Japan concert tour in 2016. One of the concerts was in the Suntory Hall, Tokyo. Guest included the prime minister of Japan, the ambassador of China in Tokyo, and various chief executives of several Japanese corporations.

At age 8, Jessica performed professionally in various events in Hong Kong at a young age. She had her debut piano solo concert performance at the Jack Singer Concert Hall Calgary when she was 18. Ms. Jessica was invited to perform at a Japanese concert tour with various musicians and restarted her international performance career in 2016.

Her performance career includes various projects in Canada and overseas, including performances at Japan Tokyo Suntory Hall, Hong Kong Concert Hall, Calgary Jack Singer Concert Hall, Bella Concert Hall, Calgary Zoo lantern festival, and the arrival of the pandas, Hong Kong return to China 20th years celebration concert, National Music Center Studio Bell and many corporate events in Calgary. She also collaborated and created performance projects, such as three recorded albums with oriental fusion, oriental fusion Jazz, and traditional oriental pieces with Erhuist Gan Guo and Jazz Harpist Dr. Park Stickney. All were recorded in Paris and Switzerland in 2018. Ms. Jessica frequently performs in various concerts worldwide with Erhuist Gan Guo. They also performed in Canada and Europe several times, such as China National Day 69th & 70th-year concert at Studio Bell and Jack Singer Concert Hall, Fusion Arts Music Festival, and Meet the Kungfu Panda Erhu Master Concert Gala to celebrate the arrival of the Panda family in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. In April 2023, Ms. Jessica Yuen and Mr. Gan Guo performed an oriental fusion showcase in Cardiff, Wales, UK, for the International European Strings Teacher Association conference.

Jessica also founded the Musesica Fusion Trio with other Canadian musicians. They performed for the National Music Center Studio Bell C-Square series in 2019 and the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra Lunar New Year Concert in 2020.



Her musician website:

Facebook @musicajessica

Instagram @yuen.jessica

Academy website:

Ms.Jessica strives to continue providing excellent music education programs and music inspiration to her students with her love of music and passion for music education and international music performance. She sets high expectations for them by reflecting and being inspired from her experience as a pianist, violinist, guzhengist, and lifelong learner. She is actively working with various music teachers enriching their music teaching experience internationally.


Her connection between her research in Music, Business and Music Education benefits the community. Her role as a scholar-practitioner in music allows her to share her analytical thinking with her parents and students every day in the music classes. She actively shares her passion for Music, Music Education, and Business with her Academy teachers, parents, and students at her Music Academy and internationally. 



作为 1800 多名学生的经验丰富且敬业的音乐教育家,袁嘉頣是一位多才多艺且活跃的钢琴、小提琴、古筝和竖琴音乐家。五岁时,Jessica Yuen 在香港开始了她在 ABRSM 的早期音乐学习,并继续在卡尔加里的加拿大皇家音乐学院学习。她的钢琴演奏继续师从安布罗斯大学的 Edwin Gnandt 教授、小提琴师从卡尔加里皇家山音乐学院, 管弦乐团总监 Ben Neumann、古筝演奏师从香港的古筝音乐家邹伦伦博士以及学习竖琴演奏师从音乐家的 Park Stickney 博士和 Kaffee Peck 博士。







美国哈佛大学, 德里克博克教学中心, 高等教育教学证书


加拿大Music for Young Children (MYC) 认证教师

她现任英国欧洲弦乐教师协会教育发展总监之一,国际GMAC 比赛的主席评委和国际顾问之一,也是 英国ABRSM 皇家考试局 在钢琴和弦乐古典音乐研究东方音乐领域的课程顾问。她是世界上许多国家的音乐表演音乐家和音乐教师教育博览会的活跃讲师。



除了她的学术和教育事业,袁嘉頣老师还与亚洲、北美和欧洲等几大洲的各种音乐家一起表演和录制音乐。她最活跃的演出搭档是来自法国巴黎的二胡演奏家果敢,2015-2016年法国艺术与文学骑士勋章(Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres)勋章获得者。 2016年日本巡回演奏会。其中一场演唱会在东京三得利音乐厅举行。来宾包括日本首相、中国驻东京大使以及几家日本公司的首席执行官。

8岁时,袁嘉頣老师从小就在香港的各种活动中表现出色。 18岁时,她在卡尔加里的杰克辛格音乐厅举行了她的首场钢琴独奏音乐会。2016年,袁嘉頣老师受邀与多位音乐家一起在日本巡回演出,重新开始了她的国际表演生涯。

她的表演生涯包括在加拿大和海外的各种项目,包括在日本东京三得利音乐厅、香港音乐厅、英国皇家威尔士音乐与戏剧学院、法国巴黎、瑞士瓦莱雷斯苏乌尔辛斯 、卡尔加里杰克辛格音乐厅、贝拉音乐厅、卡尔加里动物园元宵节和大熊猫的到来、香港回归中国的演出20 周年庆典音乐会、国家音乐中心贝尔工作室和卡尔加里的许多企业演出活动等等。她还与二胡演奏家果敢和爵士竖琴家朴斯蒂克尼博士合作并创作了各种表演项目,例如三张东方融合专辑、东方融合爵士乐和传统东方作品。全部于2018年在巴黎和瑞士录制。袁嘉頣老师经常与二胡果敢一起在各种音乐会上演出,他们还在加拿大和欧洲多次演出,例如在Studio Bell and Jack singer concert hall举行的国庆69和70周年音乐会歌手音乐厅、融合艺术音乐节、相约功夫熊猫二胡大师音乐会晚会,庆祝熊猫家族抵达加拿大艾伯塔省卡尔加里市。 2023 年 4 月,袁嘉頣老师和果敢二胡大师在英国卡迪夫威尔士为国际欧洲弦乐教师协会会议进行了东方融合表演。

袁嘉頣老师还与其他加拿大音乐家一起创立了 Musesica Fusion 三重奏。他们在 2019 年为国家音乐中心 Studio Bell C-Square 系列和 2020 年卡尔加里爱乐乐团农历新年音乐会演出。

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