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PhD Candidate (Music), MBA, MRes, PgDipl(Music), BA, MYCC

Registration Fee: $55
Recital & Resouirces Fee: $85
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Jessica Yuen 袁嘉頣

Academic and Education Portfolio

Being an experienced and dedicated music educator to over 1800 students, Ms. Jessica is a versatile and active concert performer of Piano, Violin, Guzheng, and Harp. At age five, Jessica Yuen began her early music studies in Hong Kong with ABRSM and continued in Calgary with the Royal Conservatory of Canada. She continued her piano education with Professor Edwin Gnandt from Ambrose University, Orchestra Director Ben Neumann from Mount Royal Conservatory for violin in Calgary, Dr. Lun Lun Zou for Guzheng from Hong Kong, and Dr. Park Stickney and Dr. Kaffee Peck for the Harp.

She is currently a Ph.D. Research Candidate in Music in the United Kingdom, concentrating in Women in classical music studies


She holds the following Degrees and Diploma Certificates in higher education:

Master of Arts in Music Teaching (Piano and Violin) from the University of Chichester

Master of Research in Education Business from the University of Liverpool

Master of Business Administration from the University of Liverpool

Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from the University of Calgary

Higher Education Teaching Certificate from Harvard University, The Derek Bok Center for Teaching and Learning

Royal Conservatory of Music Advance Teaching Specialist in Piano, Violin, Theory, History, and Harmony

Music for Young Children (MYC) certified teacher


She is one of the Directors of Development for European Strings Teachers Association Education UK, Chair adjudicator and international Advisor for the GMAC Competition, and a curriculum consultant for ABRSM England in oriental music for classical music studies in Piano and Strings. She is an active lecturer at conferences for music performers and teachers in many countries worldwide.

Jessica Yuen Bella Steinway 2018.JPG


作为 1800 多名学生的经验丰富且敬业的音乐教育家,袁嘉頣是一位多才多艺且活跃的钢琴、小提琴、古筝和竖琴音乐家。五岁时,Jessica Yuen 在香港开始了她在 ABRSM 的早期音乐学习,并继续在卡尔加里的加拿大皇家音乐学院学习。她的钢琴演奏继续师从安布罗斯大学的 Edwin Gnandt 教授、小提琴师从卡尔加里皇家山音乐学院, 管弦乐团总监 Ben Neumann、古筝演奏师从香港的古筝音乐家邹伦伦博士以及学习竖琴演奏师从音乐家的 Park Stickney 博士和 Kaffee Peck 博士。







美国哈佛大学, 德里克博克教学中心, 高等教育教学证书


加拿大Music for Young Children (MYC) 认证教师

她现任英国欧洲弦乐教师协会教育发展总监之一,国际GMAC 比赛的主席评委和国际顾问之一,也是 英国ABRSM 皇家考试局 在钢琴和弦乐古典音乐研究东方音乐领域的课程顾问。她是世界上许多国家的音乐表演音乐家和音乐教师教育博览会的活跃讲师。


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